Wednesday, October 29, 2008

World at War Poems

Black Hair, Dark Eyes

Blonde hair, blue eyes
Everyone here tries
to join the Extermination
Be a part of the demise

Here come the Nazis
with their totalitarian lies
You’d better start to runnin’
before they burn you to the skies

Black hair, dark eyes
Watch closely as he pries
hope from his victim’s hands
His twisted form of prize

Here come the Nazis
with their totalitarian lies
They’re taking everybody down
But for their compromise…

Burned and Barren

Early in the morning, it started
I saw the flash and felt a tremor
I cracked and shuddered, falling apart
Wildfires began to burn me away…

I knew my children were frightened
but I could do nothing as I watched
Their bodies melted to the ground
and their bones dried and blew away

A mother protective of her children
I wanted to find these cruel attackers
to seek out my revenge
But the wide-eyed villains had long since escaped…

When all had become still and quiet
I looked over the damage done to me
I was scarred, burned, and barren
Just like my children…

Monday, October 20, 2008

Is war ever necessary?

I do not believe war is necessary. For one thing, it is usually spawned from a fight over power. Different countries wanting more land, more resources, and more wealth. (Gold, God, and Glory, basically.) This is one of the most naive things to start a war over, in my opinion, because the three G's shouldn't be one's main priority in life.
Secondly, the cons of war significantly outnumber the pros, especially when dealing with the outcome. Many people are killed unjustly, and the level of brutality and rashness increases among people.
War is like an attitude; it brings a sense of fear, rage, and sorrow to many. I feel that war brings people further from a utopia, which is a generally desired state of being.

So in conclusion... war = bad.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

How My Life Would Be Different

1. Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo defend the Heliocentric Theory:
If these astronomers had not discovered this, we could be living in a world which believes that the Earth is the center of the universe, which could really scew our knowledge of the solar system. Without the Heliocentric Theory, we would not understand our place in the universe and about all the different planets and stars around us.

2. The Scientific Method:
If Francis Bacon had never created the Scientific Method during the Scientific Revolution, scientists would have no set code to follow while working. This could lead to error that could affect a nation, discoveries unrecorded, faulty scienctific products, etc. Without the scientific method, science would be chaotic and uncontrolled.

3. Isaac Newton:
If Isaac Newton had not discovered and explained gravity during the Scientific Revolution, we would have no idea why things fall. This would wipe out all inventions of planes, helicopters, or any other sort of flying device, which would make traveling long and tiring. It would also affect science, in terms of determining the gravity on another planet.

4. The French Revolution:
If the French Revolution had never happened, France would probably still be governed by an absolute monarch. Individuals would have little to no rights and would be ruled by a power-hungry leader.

5. Industrial Revolution:
If the Industrial Revolution had not occured, things would be dramatically different. There would be no factories in which to produce quick and easy products, meaning that prices would go up on items imported and hand-crafted. New technology to reduce labor would be nonexistent as well, such as the cotton gin. No cotton gins would likely increase the number of slaves. However, if this revolution had not occured, there would be no child labor and unsafe working environments.

6. Marxism, Natural Right, and Freedom:
If Karl Marx, John Locke, and Voltaire had never existed during the Enlightenment, we would not have as much freedom as a nation. The people would hold no power, while the nation's leaders and business owners would hold it all. We would have no rights, no freedom of speech, and no freedom of thought.

7. Government:
Without Montesquieu, there would be no individual branches of the government. Our government would be simplistic, weak, and power hungry. We would also have less people to help lead the nation.

8. Declaration of Independence, English Bill of Rights, and Napoleon Bonaparte:
Without these two important documents (which were created during the Political Revolution), we would have a lot less freedom in the US and Great Britain. There would be less rights for individuals. In France, without Napoleonic, France would be a smaller nation and have less rights.

9. Nationalism and Imperialism:
Without these two things (which were created during the Age of Nationalism and New Imperialism), many countries would not have expanded as much and would have a lot less natural resources, which are needed for industrialization and markets.

10. In Africa:
Without the Industrial Revolution and the Age of Nationalism and New Imperialism, there would not have been such a high demand for slavery, and in our country, discrimination might be more apparent because there would be less African Americans there.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Effect of European Colonization

How did European exploration and colonization forever change the landscape and lives of people in the Old World and the New World?

-The Europeans gained a few things from the Americas. They were introduced to corn and potatoes, which were highly nutritious and very easy to grow. This increase in 'easy foods' helped Europe.
The Europeans also gained new lands from the Americas, increasing population and territory.

-The Americas were introduced to quite a few things as well. The most important thing they gained from Europe was various foods (such as citrus fruits) and livestock (horses, cattle, pigs, chickens, etc).

-Africa gained weaponry through trading.

-The Europeans were not affected negatively by the discovery of the Americas.

-The Americas suffered greatly from the Europeans. One way they were affected was through disease. All the livestock brought over from Europe had diseases that the natives had no defenses against. This caused huge spreads of sickness and death over the land. The natives of the Americas were also forced into work for the Europeans, and often mistreated or killed.
Because of the discovery of the New World, the natives of the Americas lost their land, became sick, and were forced to work.

-Another important continent affected by the discovery of the Americas was Africa. The Africans were considered strong and harder working than the natives, so they were shipped to the Americas to work. This affected the Africans greatly, because many died from the long voyage, harsh conditions on the boat, and harsh conditions once they reached the Americas.